Solving the climate crisis and enabling the energy transition requires more renewable and fossil-free energy production. Biomass residues can replace a large part of the fossil energy used in society today. As biomass is mainly made up of carbon and hydrogen, green replacement hydrocarbons can replace fossil for energy and industrial needs.
Phoenix BioPower offers three solutions for the green transition:
High efficiency Biopower for combined heat and power plants
Carbon negative biopower with superior net efficiencies for BECCS plants
Industrial green feed-stock gases from gasified biomass
Globally there are thousands of TWh of biomass residues available for energy every year. In the EU over 5 000 TWh! Much of this biomass is not used today or is used in very inefficient processes at low total efficiencies. By replacing fossil energy with biomass-derived energy, carbon emissions are not only reduced but atmospheric levels can also be reduced through BECCS plants for carbon-negative power production.
Learn more about our different solutions and join us in the energy transition.
An illustration of a P10 plant.